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Generally, when we talk about pension in a generic way, we refer to the so-called old-age pension, a pension that is paid upon reaching a statutory age set by law, in the presence of a contribution that is normally not less than 20 years.

The peculiarity of the old-age pension is therefore a contribution requirement that is not excessively severe in the face of a much more stringent personal data requirement: the so-called retirement age for 2021 is set at 67 years (therefore stable compared to 2019 and 2020, +5 months compared to 2018 ) for all categories of workers, i.e. men and women, employees and self-employed.

As already seen, in fact, so that the satisfaction of the social security needs can be maintained over time, the system provides for some stabilization elements, also introduced to allow it to withstand the demographic transformations underway and, in particular, the progressive aging of the population: end, the retirement age is therefore subject to periodic adjustments, according to the so-called “life expectancy”. If life expectancy increases, that is, the age threshold to be reached in order to access the old-age pension also increases. In particular, starting from 2019, the adjustment takes place every two years (previously it was three years): this means that the first adjustment of the requirements with the new method would have been scheduled for the two-year period 2021-2022. With the decree of November 5, 2019, the MEF has however already established on the basis of Istat surveys on average life expectancy, that the statutory requirement for the old-age pension will remain unchanged at 67 years also for the two-year period 2021-2022.

As regards the contributions considered, it is worthwhile to specify that, for the purpose of reaching 20 years, the contribution paid or credited in favor of the insured person is valid: that is, employment contributions are considered equally “valid”, by redemption, figurative and voluntary payments.

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