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The Taste of Faith by Fabrizio Noli

Journalist, scholar of history and religions as
an integral part of the culture of humanity, deep
connoisseur of aspects related to nutrition and
to food and wine.

Dialogues on minorities. A journey through the minorities of the world with Federico de Renzi Qulture Edizioni, 2014
Born from the religious information programs of Radio Rai 1, “Oggi 2000” and “Tra cielo e terra”, “Dialogues on minorities” is a series of conversations with researchers and experts on a significant number of minorities that inhabit this planet, on their characteristics and on the socio-cultural landscape in which they are inserted, as well as on the historical and political processes that make them which determine its current conditions.

Fabrizio Noli and Federico De Renzi offer an accurate analysis of most of the world’s minority groups, meaning by minorities those groups that differ from the majority context both in ethnicity and language, as well as in religion. The text, while maintaining a rigorous approach, uses a colloquial and informative style, making topics sometimes confined to university classrooms accessible to the general public.

“Dialogues on Minorities” is a useful map for finding your way among most of the world’s minorities.
He publishes “The Taste of Faith” with Ristampa Editions.
Fabrizio Noli guides the reader on a long and exciting journey to discover the origins of food and wine and analytically traces their history from ancient origins by analyzing the
different typologies and uses in a flowing text and

The author addresses the various stages of food processing
and beverages, from cultivation to final destination
inserted in various religious contexts.

The link with faith is the backbone of the work
also combining the dietary prescriptions of other
faiths and confessions such as Judaism, Catholicism,
Buddhism, Hinduism.
All this is declined through the ecclesiastical orders that
have handed down, enriched the experiences and the
knowledge of the past and that we know today in
depth also through the work that Noli offers in
a complete version that also invites you to a
reflection on the current eating style and that we can
define a zeitgeist.

To reiterate that yes, of course, we are what we eat (what our culture, tradition and economy urges us to eat), but we are above all something else. Food as food, therefore, but which must maintain its own symbolic and spiritual dimension.
It is a work that contains profound themes about life and spirituality that extraordinarily belong to all of us.
From the first pages it is immediately clear that the manuscript has several levels of reading, but it is necessary to stop and reflect on the most important issue of the whole affair is the conflict between faith and food.

The ancient conflict between two extremes, a dilemma to which Noli tries to give the right answer that combines reason and feeling, pagan thought and Christian faith.
Through his words, readers will know and experience seemingly extraordinary vicissitudes, in the face of which it is difficult to assume a rational attitude.

Mysterious, sacred and profane aspects, which never cease to surprise.
What Fabrizio Noli tells are stories in which love for art, falling in love, trust and above all desires emerge.
This is the concept on which the whole book seems to be based. After all, the author does nothing but give dreams, tell visions that make the identity of faith and thus food even more shiny and bewitching.

It opens a door to what is unfathomable, it opens the eyes even of those who do not want to see, and allows them to let themselves be taken even by the intangible that heals the heart.
The author uses a very simple style, without complications, which allows you to read without pauses. The way of narrating creates a strong curiosity in the reader who does not stop reading until he has discovered the ending.

They are pages that give intense emotions and that are shared with the reader.

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