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The gift, the latest work by Michele Gentile, Masciulli Edizioni with the preface by Gianni Maritati.

The protagonist of this “two-phase” novel is a child named Giuseppino and the setting unfolds in an imaginary seaside village, Roccasolenne.

In this setting, the child breathes the elugubrations of the poetry with which he often expresses himself.

Giuseppino is the orphan of his mother, who died in a car accident, and also of his father since the latter was lost in the face of the responsibilities of fatherhood.

A difficult life that of this little man and in fact now we will try to better understand the meanders of his young existence.

There is love, there are memories, pain and regrets. But there is also the sea, the land.

There is the supreme poetry.
They are fragments of life, small squares of existences, with their great pains and small joys. They are symbols and at the same time they are phrases that penetrate the soul and go straight to the heart.
Reading I had the feeling of being in front of a multifaceted artist, as if he were a songwriter poised between life and the recognition of the exemplarity of the natural world that dominates the one modified by man.
The poems are an author’s postcard in which each landscape of the soul is a pictorial representation painted on paper, an immanent snapshot of the generating force of sensitive reality.
The verses, mixed with the colors and non-colors depicted, flatter the absolute beauty of nature, the images tell it like a literary walk around those places. The poet involves the intimacy of inspiration, including the extended space of each inclination for profound and supportive participation in life. Giuseppino receives welcome from the surrounding scenarios, breathes every breath of wind, re-establishes the changes of the seasons, nourishes the maintenance of memories. The symbiotic affinity with the community spirit are the links emphasized in his poetry, in the common and popular atmosphere of every free sharing. Michele Gentile observes the details of the world, in the identity of his life experiences, he is a prophet in search of sensitive answers.
Aesthetic ability is the thoughtful intuition of amazement, the enchanting confidence in evoking suggestive territories, through the enlightened mediation of understanding, and contemplation absorbed in the “dancing” will to live and in the noble availability of emotional perception. The word, never consumed, never degrades into the banal and never performs a merely descriptive function, is enjoyed in a skilful game, expresses the necessary emotion in the delicate description of every little thing, of a thought, of a gesture, of a ‘ moments that deserve to compose the miracle of poetry.

As I said, this novel is rattled off in two parts.

The first in which he tells the story of Giuseppino and the second that ranges in delicate poems.

These are often a powerful roar, even when they deal with pain, nostalgia, not much else I can say except to advise you to read and immerse yourself in a different world.

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