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The game

The game is above all an expressive function, that is, it manifests itself in a natural way where there are no environmental conditions that hinder its expression.

The game consists in a transformation of reality according to one’s “I”, or rather on the basis of the needs of each child.

But what is the purpose of the game? The primary purpose is to feel pleasure. In fact, children tend to play games that are rewarding for them and that allow them to “test themselves”.

Specifically, the pleasure of playing is given by the fact that in play the child can express psychic and motor skills in the acquisition phase and train them. For this reason, play goes hand in hand with the development of the child: it is the direct manifestation of this. Therefore, a careful observation of the play modes in place allows us to grasp the evolutionary stage of the child.

The child can transform reality and reconstruct moments of daily life that he has lived; not only that: he can also relive situations that have made him particularly afraid and that he may not yet be able to manage emotionally and fully cognitively decode.

In recreating meaningful situations, the child can relive and re-elaborate his experiences in a protected (because playful) context, assimilating them.