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As far as the song of the hyperborean by Nicola Feruglio reaches

Nicola Feruglio, born in Como in 1972 and resident in Rome, founder and president since 2008 of the association Anthropology Terzo Millennio (A.T.M.). In 2015 he published the philosophical essay “The secret energy of life”, published in Italy by BookSprint Edizioni, and in 2016 in Argentina by the international relations magazine Reconciliando Mundos. In 2017, again for BookSprint, he published the short story “Un senatore in entanglement” (for which he received an honorable mention at the XII International Literary Prize “Voci Città di Abano Terme 2017”) and the philosophical essay “Cosmoempatia” (BookSprint Editions). With seven poems he participates in the fifteenth edition of the series of poetry “Inspirazioni” (2017) edited by the publishing house Pagine. In 2018 he participated in the poetic series “Colori” 72 (Pagine publishing house); he also participates in the Il Federiciano X edition competition with the poem “The demon of Shahrazad”, a poem that is selected and included in the anthology of the competition with the most representative texts, edited by Aletti Editore. Also in 2018, the Argentine publishing house Dunken republished its first essay “The secret energy of life” in Spanish. With the short story “The new man will be Mapuche” (BookSprint 2019), he was awarded at the VII Edition of the National Contemporary Italian Literature Award 2019, and included in the anthology “A thought at the end of the day” (edited by Laura Capone Editore) with school distribution through the Young Jury project; the text in 2020 is published by the Argentine publishing house Dunken.

In 2019 he published his first poetic collection entitled “Auroral Dimensions” by Aletti Editore, a work awarded with a mention at the National Poetry Prize “The path of the soul” XVII Edition 2021. In 2021 he publishes the poetic anthology “Fin where the song of the hyperboreo arrives ”for Aletti Editore with a preface by Hafez Haidar.
“How far the song of the hyperboreo reaches” is a collection where the dedication to the Hyperborean tradition is found, handed down from classicism, that is to say, ancient Greece, up to the more contemporary one. The poet Feruglio explains that this civilization has known the highest peaks in spirituality and humanity. Hafez Haidar’s preface discusses how the protagonist is involved in this almost metaphysical research and in the effort to find a glimmer or a spark of Hyperborean civilization in our present day, at least in some men.

The collection takes its cue from a real initiation through the chant of the Hyperborean. It is a people in the north of Greece, perhaps corresponding to Greenland or Russia, where the inhabitants are distinguished by particular wisdom and spirituality; being their Nordic characteristics, some literary and esoteric authors have wrongly drawn from them the classical typology of the Aryan race. Nazism also read, deviating their meanings, the occultist doctrines of Madame Blavatsky who knew this treatment, drawing evil and mystification from it.

In reality, according to the poet Feruglio, this civilization then gave the seeds of knowledge to Herodotus, Plato, Pythagoras and other ancient Greek authors. For Plato the World of Ideas was a world of mingling of symbols and archetypes, to which every soul, after death, had access; at the moment of a new birth the embodied soul no longer remembered this metaphysical place. Metempsychosis in fact concerned the survival of the psyche after death and rebirth in another physical body.

“The intoxicating undulation of his voice made me stay and listen to his sound for a few moments” …

With fraternal ways, the author accompanies us on an inner journey that reveals how consciousness is born, what dynamics the ego moves, how the relationship between our ego and consciousness expands, how to explore the “know yourself”, happiness , previous lives, to explore the dynamics that move the universe, with a clear, revolutionary and innovative vision of the physical reality that surrounds us. Attentive spiritual explorer, the author proposes a balanced distillation of various sources with detailed insights into spiritual teachings, manifesting the intent to open the mind to those seeking logical, consistent and understandable answers. It is an unfolding of new points of view and unpublished clarifications, with a clear, simple but exhaustive exposition, which will fascinate both the novice reader and the mature reader.

Communicating with poetry, through the skilful use of words that give emotions, in times like the ones we are experiencing, could even appear to be a heroic act. And this Nicola Feruglio knows well. He knows well, in fact, that offering an audience one’s feelings, one’s emotions, what lies in the depths of one’s soul, is like stripping off any defense and, without any intermediation, exposing oneself to judgment.
I have rarely had the opportunity to quote the saying that “Poets are born”, because if it is true that many are capable of writing, it is equally true that transforming our thoughts, our anxieties, our pains, our passions, our joys, in poetry, is not for everyone: it is a privilege that is reserved for a few: Nicola Feruglio is among these lucky ones, able to open his heart to the outside, to overcome the modesty and shyness that pervades everyone of us, he is capable of showing his feelings without fear, of divesting himself of that reserve which usually forces us to hide our selves from others. There are contents that are strengths of this book and certainly of the author’s personality, for which I must congratulate and invite you to read; one perceives a soul full of life, amazement and willingness to communicate and express themselves in poetic art, in writing.

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