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Paolo Franco author of the novel “One day in more” published by the Albatros Group.

The style is very fluid.

The genre is a psychological thriller-type novel that hints as it rattles off reading because at first it looks like a comedy, like a classic American teen comedy.

But let’s get straight to the plot of this gripping thriller.

Mark Gordon is a teenager caught up in his existential problems, not just family ones, which lead him to an increasingly uphill life.

His parents are separated and Gerard, a work colleague of his mother, who, as you can understand, hates a lot, slips into this difficult family picture.

The angry father gives up everything and runs away, however, leaving a letter to Mark.

Fortunately, the protagonist is not alone, he can count on the friendship of two boys: Pete, an orphan who lives with his two grandparents and Mike, recently met in high school, son of the famous judge Jack and brother of the wonderful Jane.

In the background are Richard Miller and his henchmen who, with their stunts, annoy the three friends a lot.

‘The die is cast’, at least so it would seem, but the good Mark will find himself faced with continuous twists.

His depth of soul, despite his young age, and the continuous discoveries he will make will accompany him throughout the journey, making him reach the goal he never expected …

What immediately catches the eye of the novel is the cover that represents a landscape made with watercolors, by a friend of the author, an artist who portrays Lake Erie which is one of the main settings of the novel … Lake Cleveland